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Chalkboard Murphy bed

This is a Murphy bed that I just finished up. It was built in December 2016. It's a chalkboard face Murphy bed. Since I do a lot of variations of this same Chalkboard style, I'll call this one the Schoolhouse Chalkboard Murphy bed. Basically what I did is to take a white Murphy bed and inlaid a chalkboard in it.

The Chalkboard is 49" x 62". Added some molding at the bottom with a flute to serve as the chalk holder. To open it up, just pull the black handle I put in the middle. It blends with the chalkboard paint.

It is very lightweight and easy to use.

Dry Erase Board? Haven't built one yet but would be easy to do.

Here is a short video showing how it works:

More on our Murphy beds check out our Murphy bed page.

If you want to see what we are currently working one, check out our Current Projects page.

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