Hudson Bay Horizontal
Murphy Bed

This horizontal (sideways) murphy wall bed has molding added to the faced to make it appear to be 4 doors and 4 drawer fronts. Also added to this one is the Standard Crown and Standard Base molding.
This design used the standard leg design where the leg folds out of the face. We move the legs to the edge to free up the face/door design.
Price as shown full size: $3665
(Queen $3715) (Twin $3515)
Here is a break-down of the price
Full Base Price $2100 (Unfinished Oak, Maple, or Paint Grade)
Hudson Bay Face $600
Add Crown Molding $275 Standard Version
Add Base Molding $200 Standard Base
Finish Upcharge $490 (Any of our Standard Finishes)
Total $3665 Full (Queen $3715)

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