August Picture Archive
Notable Projects this Month:
Locker Murphy Bed
Pedestal to go with Uph. Headboard.
Custom Baseball Bed
Manhattan Murphy bed with Desk
New Yorker Murphy Bed with Desk
Templeton Murphy bed with corner bookcase and desk
Christy Murphy bed wuith folding desk
Pair of twin Murphy beds
Pair of Oak Daybeds (full size)
Built-in Templeto

Quan 8/12 Locker Murphy beds shown closed. Added right bookcase and upper bookcase

Williford 8/31 Upholstered Bed with drawers.

Harlan 8/31 Baseball bed with trundle and logo on footboard.

Franzoni 8/23 Shown closed.

Willman 8/10 Murphy bed shown closed. Can you see the hidden desk?

Ansbacher 8/9 Shown closed

Hough 7/27 Everything on the Murphy wall bed closed up.

8/4 Local Customer Bed and drawers combined in one unit.

Phipps 8/26

Reeg 8/2 Shown closed

Williford 8/31 Upholstered Bed with drawers. Showing headboard.

Williford 8/31 Upholstered Bed with drawers. Close up of the drawers.

Williford 8/31 Upholstered Bed with drawers. Door kit at the foot.

Harlan 8/31 Shown with the trundle out.

Harlan 8/31 Close up of the customized scoreboard headboard.

Harlan 8/31 Close up of the footboard.